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The Long Arc of a Low Glimmer
Video Projection / Photo / Sound
12' x 16', 28:00 Loop / Sample Clip 1:01, 2019

Don't look straight at it, you won't see it. Look off a bit and catch it out of the corner of your eye. It's a low glimmer. seen. unseen. seen. 


I believe we are made of layers. The past, the present, fear, love, despair, hope. Trying to pull them together is like pulling fabric to stitch a seam. pull. stretch. adjust. random slips into rhythm. And while we focus on the fabric, it’s really in the seam where you'll find the threads of how we are all connected, the spaces where we care, and the light that points the way. It’s the low glimmer of what it means to be humans together. Everyone. And it's a very long arc. 


Good or bad we are who we are today because we have been held close, lifted up, pushed down, and moved along by those who came before us. So there lies my deepest worry. What are we laying down for the generations to come? What will be the low glimmer we pass on to hold them close? And most of all, will they be able to see it?

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